WHO 1st consultation on the development of a global biodosimetry laboratories network for radiation emergencies (BioDoseNet)

William F. Blakely, Zhanat Carr*, May Chin May Chu, Renu Dayal-Drager, Kenzo Fujimoto, Michael Hopmeir, Ulrike Kulka, Patricia Lillis-Hearne, Gordon K. Livingston, David C. Lloyd, Natalie Maznyk, Maria Del Rosario Perez, Horst Romm, Yoshio Takashima, Phillipe Voisin, Ruth C. Wilkins, Mitsuaki A. Yoshida

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    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    102 Citations (Scopus)


    The World Health Organization (WHO) held a consultation meeting at WHO Headquarters, Geneva, Switzerland, December 17-18, 2007, to develop the framework for a global bio- dosimetry network. The WHO network is envisioned to enable dose assessment using multiple methods [cytogenetics, electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR), radionuclide bioassays, etc.]; however, the initial discussion focused on the cytogenetic bioassay (i.e., metaphase-spread dicentric assay). Few regional cytogenetic biodosimetry networks have been established so far. The roles and resources available from United Nations (UN) agencies that provide international cooperation in biological dosimetry after radiological emergencies were reviewed. In addition, extensive reliance on the use of the relevant International Standards Organization (ISO) standards was emphasized. The results of a WHO survey of global cy- togenetic biological dosimetry capability were reported, and while the survey indicates robust global capability, there was also a clear lack of global leadership and coordination. The expert group, which had a concentrated focus on cytogenetic biodosimetry, formulated the general scope and concept of operations for the development of a WHO global biodosime- try laboratory network for radiation emergencies (Bio-DoseNet). Follow-on meetings are planned to further develop technical details for this network.

    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)127-139
    Number of pages13
    JournalRadiation Research
    Issue number1
    Publication statusPublished - Jan 2009


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