The Mortality after Release from Incarceration Consortium (MARIC): Protocol for a multi-national, individual participant data meta-analysis.

R. Borschmann*, H. Tibble, M. J. Spittal, D. Preen, J. Pirkis, S. Larney, D. L. Rosen, J. T. Young, A. D. Love, F. L. Altice, I. A. Binswanger, A. Bukten, T. Butler, Z. Chang, C. Y. Chen, T. Clausen, P. B. Christensen, G. J. Culbert, L. Degenhardt, A. J.E. DirkzwagerK. Dolan, S. Fazel, C. Fischbacher, M. Giles, L. Graham, D. Harding, Y. F. Huang, F. Huber, A. Karaminia, C. Keen, F. G. Kouyoumdjian, S. Lim, L. Møller, A. Moniruzzaman, J. Morenoff, E. O'Moore, L. N. Pizzicato, D. Pratt, S. K. Proescholdbell, S. I. Ranapurwala, M. E. Shanahan, J. Shaw, A. Slaunwhite, J. M. Somers, A. C. Spaulding, M. F. Stern, K. M. Viner, N. Wang, M. Willoughby, B. Zhao, S. A. Kinner

*Corresponding author for this work

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    Introduction: More than 30 million adults are released from incarceration globally each year. Many experience complex physical and mental health problems, and are at markedly increased risk of preventable mortality. Despite this, evidence regarding the global epidemiology of mortality following release from incarceration is insufficient to inform the development of targeted, evidence-based responses. Many previous studies have suffered from inadequate power and poor precision, and even large studies have limited capacity to disaggregate data by specific causes of death, sub-populations or time since release to answer questions of clinical and public health relevance.

    Objectives: To comprehensively document the incidence, timing, causes and risk factors for mortality in adults released from prison.

    Methods: We created the Mortality After Release from Incarceration Consortium (MARIC), a multi-disciplinary collaboration representing 29 cohorts of adults who have experienced incarceration from 11 countries. Findings across cohorts will be analysed using a two-step, individual participant data meta-analysis methodology.

    Results: The combined sample includes 1,337,993 individuals (89% male), with 75,795 deaths recorded over 9,191,393 person-years of follow-up.

    Conclusions: The consortium represents an important advancement in the field, bringing international attention to this problem. It will provide internationally relevant evidence to guide policymakers and clinicians in reducing preventable deaths in this marginalized population.

    Original languageEnglish
    Article number06
    JournalInternational Journal of Population Data Science
    Issue number1
    Publication statusPublished - 25 Feb 2020

    Bibliographical note

    Funding Information:
    The MARIC study is funded by Australia's National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC, project #1120004). The authors wish to acknowledge the assistance of the Western Australian Department of Justice in the conduct of the research, along with all organisations, government departments, and other entities worldwide that have contributed to this research. The material published herein cannot be considered as either endorsed by the Western Australian Department of Justice or an expression of the policies or view of the Department. The opinions generated in this study do not represent the British Columbia Ministry of Health or any data stewards. Any errors of omission or commission are the responsibility of the research team.

    Open Access: Open Access under CC BY 4.0 (

    Publisher Copyright: © The Authors.

    Citation: Borschmann, Rohan, et al. "The Mortality After Release from Incarceration Consortium (MARIC): Protocol for a multi-national, individual participant data meta-analysis." International journal of population data science 5.1 (2020).

    DOI: 10.23889/ijpds.v5i1.1145.


    • Cohort
    • Consortium
    • Incarceration
    • Individual participant data meta-analysis
    • Mortality
    • Prison
    • Release


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