Summary of personal neutron dosemeter results obtained within the EVIDOS project

Marlies Luszik-Bhadra*, T. Bolognese-Milsztajn, M. Boschung, M. Coeck, G. Curzio, D. Derdau, F. d'Errico, A. Fiechtner, J. E. Kyllönen, V. Lacoste, B. Lievens, L. Lindborg, A. Lovefors Daun, M. Reginatto, H. Schuhmacher, R. Tanner, F. Vanhavere

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Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

20 Citations (Scopus)


Within the EC project EVIDOS ('Evaluation of Individual Dosimetry in Mixed Neutron and Photon Radiation Fields'), different types of active neutron personal dosemeters (and some passive ones) were tested in workplace fields at nuclear installations in Europe. The results of the measurements which have been performed up to now are summarised and compared to our currently best estimates of the personal dose equivalent Hp(10). Under- and over-readings by more than a factor of two for the same dosemeter in different workplace fields indicate that in most cases the use of field-specific correction factors is required.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)293-299
Number of pages7
JournalRadiation Protection Dosimetry
Issue number1-4
Publication statusPublished - 2007

Bibliographical note

Funding Information:
The authors wish to express their gratitude to the staffs at Cadarache, Krümmel, Mol and Ringhals who helped during the campaigns. This research is partly funded by the European Commission under the auspices of the Euratom 5th Framework Programme: Nuclear Energy, 1998–2002, Contract No: FIKR-CT-2001-00175.


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