Streptococcus agalactiae clones infecting humans were selected and fixed through the extensive use of tetracycline

The DEVANI Consortium

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

189 Citations (Scopus)


Streptococcus agalactiae (Group B Streptococcus, GBS) is a commensal of the digestive and genitourinary tracts of humans that emerged as the leading cause of bacterial neonatal infections in Europe and North America during the 1960s. Due to the lack of epidemiological and genomic data, the reasons for this emergence are unknown. Here we show by comparative genome analysis and phylogenetic reconstruction of 229 isolates that the rise of human GBS infections corresponds to the selection and worldwide dissemination of only a few clones. The parallel expansion of the clones is preceded by the insertion of integrative and conjugative elements conferring tetracycline resistance (TcR). Thus, we propose that the use of tetracycline from 1948 onwards led in humans to the complete replacement of a diverse GBS population by only few TcR clones particularly well adapted to their host, causing the observed emergence of GBS diseases in neonates.

Original languageEnglish
Article number4544
JournalNature Communications
Publication statusPublished - 4 Aug 2014

Bibliographical note

Funding Information:
This work was supported by the French National Research Agency (Grant ANR-08-GENM-027-001 and 2010-PATH-004-02) and by the Labex IBEID. The Institut Pasteur Genopole is a member of France Génomique (ANR10-IBNS-09-08). M.R.D. is supported by the National Health and Medical Research Council of Australia (565526 and 635250). M.T.G.H. and J.P. were supported by Wellcome Trust grant 098051. This study was in part supported by the European Commission Seventh Framework (grant agreement number 200481) as part of the DEVANI program. We would like to acknowledge Dr Sri Sriprakash and Ms Karen Taylor for their involvement with the Australian GBS strain collection and Alexandre Almeida for critical reading of the manuscript.


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