Qualitative interviews with healthcare staff in four European countries to inform adaptation of an intervention to increase chlamydia testing

Cliodna McNulty*, Ellie J. Ricketts, Hans Fredlund, Anneli Uusküla, Katy Town, Claire Rugman, Anna Tisler-Sala, Alix Mani, Brigitte Dunais, Kate Folkard, Rosalie Allison, Pia Touboul

*Corresponding author for this work

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2 Citations (Scopus)


Objective To determine the needs of primary healthcare general practice (GP) staff, stakeholders and trainers to inform the adaptation of a locally successful complex intervention (Chlamydia Intervention Randomised Trial (CIRT)) aimed at increasing chlamydia testing within primary healthcare within South West England to three EU countries (Estonia, France and Sweden) and throughout England. Design Qualitative interviews. Setting European primary healthcare in England, France, Sweden and Estonia with a range of chlamydia screening provision in 2013. Participants 45 GP staff, 13 trainers and 18 stakeholders. Interviews The iterative interview schedule explored participants' personal attitudes, subjective norms and perceived behavioural controls around provision of chlamydia testing, sexual health services and training in general practice. Researchers used a common thematic analysis. Results Findings were similar across all countries. Most participants agreed that chlamydia testing and sexual health services should be offered in general practice. There was no culture of GP staff routinely offering opportunistic chlamydia testing or sexual health advice, and due to other priorities, participants reported this would be challenging. All participants indicated that the CIRT workshop covering chlamydia testing and sexual health would be useful if practice based, included all practice staff and action planning, and was adequately resourced. Participants suggested minor adaptations to CIRT to suit their country's health services. Conclusions A common complex intervention can be adapted for use across Europe, despite varied sexual health provision. The intervention (ChlamydiA Testing Training in Europe (CATTE)) should comprise: a staff workshop covering sexual health and chlamydia testing rates and procedures, action planning and patient materials and staff reminders via computer prompts, emails or newsletters, with testing feedback through practice champions. CATTE materials are available at: www.STItraining.eu.

Original languageEnglish
Article number017528
JournalBMJ Open
Issue number9
Publication statusPublished - 1 Sept 2017

Bibliographical note

Funding Information:
Funding This study was supported by a Leonardo Da Vinci Lifelong Learning programme project Chlamydia Testing Training in Europe (number2012-1-GB2-LEO05.08044) and Public Health England.

Publisher Copyright:
© 2017 Article author(s). All rights reserved.


  • educational intervention
  • primary care
  • qualitative research
  • sexual health
  • training


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