Outbreak of waterborne cryptosporidiosis associated with low oocyst concentrations

Edmundo Neira-Munoz*, C. Okoro, N. D. McCarthy

*Corresponding author for this work

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    9 Citations (Scopus)


    Water treatment plants in the United Kingdom at significant risk of cryptosporidiosis and using conventional filtration methods have been required to install 24-h monitoring systems since April 2000. No major waterborne outbreaks have been described since 2001. Small outbreaks have been associated with water. This paper describes such an outbreak. Data from a local multi-agency surveillance system was used to describe the outbreak, including mapping cases against water supply zones. A case-control study investigated hypotheses raised. All cases were genotype 1. Early cases were in the supply zone of a surface water-treatment plant that had met treatment standards. Later cases included residents in a different supply zone that temporarily received water from the implicated plant. Cases reported more consumption of domestic mains water than controls. Descriptive and analytical epidemiology thus supported drinking water as a source of cryptosporidiosis from a plant meeting regulatory requirements. The evidence for setting drinking-water standards needs review.

    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)1159-1164
    Number of pages6
    JournalEpidemiology and Infection
    Issue number7
    Publication statusPublished - Oct 2007


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