Monte Carlo calculation of organ and effective doses due to photon and neutron point sources and typical X-ray examinations: Results of an international intercomparison exercise

Christelle Huet*, Jonathan Eakins, Maria Zankl, José María Gómez-Ros, Jan Jansen, Montserrat Moraleda, Lara Struelens, Deepak K. Akar, Jorge Borbinha, Hrvoje Brkić, Duc Ky Bui, Kevin Capello, Thi My Linh Dang, Laurent Desorgher, Salvatore Di Maria, Lior Epstein, Dario Faj, Karin Fantinova, Paolo Ferrari, Sebastian GossioJohn Hunt, Zoran Jovanovic, Han Sung Kim, Dragana Krstic, Ngoc Thiem Le, Yi Kang Lee, Manohari Murugan, Minal Y. Nadar, Ngoc Quynh Nguyen, Dragoslav Nikezic, Hemant K. Patni, Denison Souza Santos, Marilyn Tremblay, Sebastian Trivino, Katarzyna Tymińska

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This paper summarizes the results of an intercomparison on the use of the ICRP Reference Computational Phantoms with radiation transport codes, which was organized by EURADOS working group 6. Three exercises are described: exposure to an anterior-posterior (AP) photon point source, exposure to an AP neutron point source, and exposure to two typical medical X-ray examinations. The three exercises received 17, 8 and 8 solutions, respectively. Participants originated from fifteen different countries, and used a wide range of Monte Carlo codes. Due to difficulties in defining the precise source location unambiguously in the exercise description, agreement to within ∼10% of the reference solution was considered satisfactory for a given participant's results. Although some participants provided initial solutions in good agreement with the reference solutions, differences of several tens of percent, or even several orders of magnitude, were exhibited for many of the others. Following feedback and suggestions from the organizers, revised solutions were submitted by some of the participants for the photon exercises; in general, agreement was improved. The overall observations from these three intercomparison exercises are summarized and discussed.

Original languageEnglish
Article number106695
JournalRadiation Measurements
Early online date9 Dec 2021
Publication statusPublished - Jan 2022

Bibliographical note

Funding Information: No funding information.

Open Access: This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license

Publisher Copyright: Crown Copyright © 2021 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

Citation: Christelle Huet, Jonathan Eakins, Maria Zankl, José María Gómez-Ros, Jan Jansen, Montserrat Moraleda, Lara Struelens, Deepak K. Akar, Jorge Borbinha, Hrvoje Brkić, Duc Ky Bui, Kevin Capello, Thi My Linh Dang, Laurent Desorgher, Salvatore Di Maria, Lior Epstein, Dario Faj, Karin Fantinova, Paolo Ferrari, Sebastian Gossio, John Hunt, Zoran Jovanovic, Han Sung Kim, Dragana Krstic, Ngoc Thiem Le, Yi-Kang Lee, Manohari Murugan, Minal Y. Nadar, Ngoc-Quynh Nguyen, Dragoslav Nikezic, Hemant K. Patni, Denison Souza Santos, Marilyn Tremblay, Sebastian Trivino, Katarzyna Tymińska, Monte Carlo calculation of organ and effective doses due to photon and neutron point sources and typical X-ray examinations: Results of an international intercomparison exercise, Radiation Measurements, Volume 150, 2022, 106695, ISSN 1350-4487.



  • ICRP reference phantom
  • Monte Carlo
  • Organ absorbed dose


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