Geological controls on radon potential in Northern Ireland

J. D. Appleton*, Z. Daraktchieva, M. E. Young

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10 Citations (Scopus)


Moderate and high radon potential in Northern Ireland is associated mainly with (i) the Neoproterozoic psammites, semipelites, meta-limestones, volcanics and mafic intrusives of Counties Londonderry and Tyrone; (ii) Silurian Hawick Group greywackes and, to a much more limited extent Gala Group greywackes, in the southern sector of Counties Armagh and Down; (iii) Ordovician and Silurian acid intrusives and volcanics in eastern Counties Londonderry and Tyrone; (iv) Middle-Late Devonian conglomerates in County Tyrone; (v) Lower Carboniferous (Dinantian) limestone in the western sector of Northern Ireland, especially in County Fermanagh; (vi) Palaeogene and Late Caledonian acid intrusive rocks of the Mourne Mountains Complex, Slieve Gullion Complex and Newry Granodiorite Complex in the SE sector in County Down and County Armagh.Moderate to high radon potential is sometimes associated with glacio-fluvial sand and gravel deposits where these overlie a range of bedrocks, some of which have relatively low radon potential. In this latter case the enhanced radon potential is probably caused by the high permeability of superficial deposits. Radon potential tends to be lower when bedrocks characterised by moderate or high radon potential are overlain by relatively impermeable silt-clay alluvium, glaciolacustrine, and lacustrine deposits; peat; and glacial till and moraine. Redistribution of rock debris derived from uranium-rich bedrocks, such as the Mourne Mountains granites, through glacial, alluvial and other processes can also result in higher radon potential being associated with superficial deposits relative to underlying bedrocks.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)328-345
Number of pages18
JournalProceedings of the Geologists' Association
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jun 2015

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© 2015 Natural Environment Research Council.


  • Geology
  • Northern Ireland
  • Radon


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