Child and adult thyroid monitoring after a reactor accident (CAThyMARA): Technical recommendations and remaining gaps

D. Broggio*, S. Baudé, A. Belchior, V. Berkovskyy, Y. Bonchuck, J. Dewoghélaëre, George Etherington, P. Fojtík, D. Franck, J. M. Gomez-Ros, Demetrio Gregoratto, J. Helebrant, G. Hériard Dubreuil, J. Hůlka, M. Isaksson, A. Kocsonya, A. L. Lebacq, I. Likhtarev, P. Lombardo, M. A. LopezI. Malátová, James Marsh, I. Mitu, O. Monteiro Gil, M. Moraleda, J. F. Navarro, J. Ośko, A. Pántya, T. Pázmándi, B. Perez, V. Pospisil, G. Ratia, M. A. Saizu, P. Szántó, P. Teles, K. Tymińska, F. Vanhavere, P. Vaz, T. Vrba, I. Vu, M. Youngman, P. Zagyvai

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

13 Citations (Scopus)


Following a severe nuclear reactor accident large amounts of radioactive iodine are released in the atmosphere. Health consequences estimation for the affected population is based on the dose assessment which can be derived from in vivo measurements. Since the uptake of radioactive iodine increases the thyroid cancer risk of children it is of particular interest to dispose of technical recommendations on thyroid monitoring, particularly for children. This paper summarizes recommendations that have been issued by a group of European radiation protection specialists during the CAThyMARA project. It covers technical aspects such as the choice of instruments, the calibration process, the measurement preparedness, the dose assessment and communication issues. This paper also discusses remaining gaps and serves as an introduction to other papers of this special issue.

Original languageEnglish
Article number106069
JournalRadiation Measurements
Publication statusPublished - Sept 2019

Bibliographical note

Funding Information:
To the European Community for funding this project under the OPERRA (Open Project for the European Radiation Research Area) grant agreement 604984. To the OPERRA board and particularly Jean-Ren? Jourdain for efficient support and efficient managing of the OPERRA project. To David Boilley (ACRO, NTW), Elisabeth Cardis (ISGlobal), Osamu Kurihara (QST-NIRS), Thierry Schneider (CEPN), Masa Takahashi (SCK?CEN, JAEA), Masaharu Tsubokura (Soma Central Hospital), Nadja ?eleznik (Nuclear Transparency Watch) for useful comments, illuminating discussions and encouragements.

Funding Information:
To the European Community for funding this project under the OPERRA (Open Project for the European Radiation Research Area) grant agreement 604984 .

Publisher Copyright:
© 2019 Elsevier Ltd


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